

  • Unlimited ad spying power.
  • Discover chord-striking ads.
  • Affiliate edge found.
Try AdSpy
Explore the largest ad library

AdSpy is a powerful ad intelligence tool that boasts the largest searchable database of Facebook and Instagram ads in the world. With its comprehensive data from social media sites, AdSpy puts you in control of the fastest developing advertising platforms on the internet. Its global coverage allows you to assess the world’s trends without compromise, and its exhaustive search and filter features help you uncover the ads that you and your company need to know about.


Unparalleled Array of Data

AdSpy is based on one of the most substantial databases of ads you can find, with over 144.7 million ads in 88 different languages, across 222 countries. This vast amount of data allows you to glide through information until you find exactly what your campaign needs.

Innovative Search Functionality

AdSpy offers the most search options of any Ad Intelligence Tool, allowing you to find the data you want, how you want. You can search in the usual way: ad text, URL, page name, or even search true data from user reactions in advert comments. You can be as rigorous as you need to be, searching or filtering by affiliate network, affiliate ID, Offer ID, landing page technologies, and more.

Unique Features

AdSpy has unique features that others haven’t considered or can’t implement. You can search by the text in the ad, the advertiser’s name, the number of likes it has, the type of media it uses, and more. You can sort the results with clever filters: when was the ad last seen? How do users react? Which ad is the longest running? AdSpy is as powerful as you want to make it.

Unrivalled Network of Contributors

Using its unrivalled network of contributors, AdSpy can accurately assess who an ad is trying to target based on their location, gender, and age range. This feature allows you to see where your competitors may be dominating in regions and across markets you haven’t yet considered.

Affiliate Features

Users can find ads by affiliate network, or search for specific affiliates and offers. Have you just been given a great offer by your network? Search via the Offer ID and see how others are promoting it. AdSpy also bypasses cloakers to ensure you have flawless information straight from the landing pages.

Largest Pool of Data

AdSpy simply has the largest pool of data available to you. If a hot product is kicking off and dropshippers need to know, you can be sure that AdSpy knows already. It’s no small task to search through millions of records in seconds. Fast servers, efficient programming, clear interfaces, and well presented data ensures that nothing can slow your research.

AdSpy Pricing Plans

AdSpy offers one pricing for its users. Users can subscribe to Adspy for $149 per month.

AdSpy Alternatives

  • Dropispy: This tool is a serious competitor of AdSpy and is particularly useful for dropshippers and e-merchants. It provides valuable information to help deploy effective advertising strategies at a lower cost.
  • Poweradspy: Poweradspy is another top alternative to AdSpy. It is a Facebook ads spy tool that collects ads from a large number of sources. Its objective is to ensure that advertisers can find the winning ads in vogue on its site.
  • BigSpy: BigSpy is a spy tool for many social media ads. It spies on them to collect winner ads in its database that can provide useful information for your digital business. Its database is massive, and it is well placed to allow you to spy on the marketing actions of your rivals.

Bottom Line

AdSpy is a comprehensive tool that provides a wealth of information for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge in the world of online advertising. With its vast database, innovative search functionality, and unique features, AdSpy is a tool that can help you thrive on the competitive platforms of Facebook and Instagram.

AdSpy Details

AI Features
  • Navigate ads effortlessly.
  • $149/month.
  • One-stop ad intelligence.
Try AdSpy
Explore the largest ad library
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